628—Preparation of principal mining hazard management plan
(1) The mine operator
of a mine must prepare a principal mining hazard management plan for each
principal mining hazard at the mine, having regard to the matters set out in
Schedule 19.
Maximum penalty:
(a) in
the case of an individual—$6 000;
(b) in
the case of a body corporate—$30 000.
(2) A principal mining
hazard management plan must—
provide for the management of all aspects of risk control in relation to the
principal mining hazard; and
(b) so
far as is reasonably practicable, be set out and expressed in a way that is
readily understandable by persons who use it.
(3) A principal mining
hazard management plan must—
describe the nature of the principal mining hazard to which the plan relates;
describe how the principal mining hazard relates to other hazards at the mine;
describe the analysis methods used in identifying the principal mining hazard
to which the plan relates; and
include a record of the risk assessment conducted in relation to the principal
mining hazard; and
describe the investigation and analysis methods used in determining the
control measures to be implemented; and
describe all control measures to be implemented to manage risks to health and
safety associated with the principal mining hazard; and
describe the arrangements in place for providing the information, training and
instruction required by regulation 39 in relation to the principal mining
hazard; and
refer to any design principles, engineering standards and technical standards
relied on for control measures for the principal mining hazard; and
set out the reasons for adopting or rejecting all control
measures considered.
A principal mining hazard management plan forms part of the safety management
system for a mine (see regulation 622(1)(c)(i)).