(1) A meeting of the Council will be presided over—
(a) by the Chancellor; or
(b) in the absence of the Chancellor—by the Deputy Chancellor; or
(c) in the absence of the Chancellor and the Deputy Chancellor—
(i) unless subparagraph (ii)
applies—by a Pro-Chancellor; or
(ii) if there are 2 Pro-Chancellors and they are both present at the meeting—by a Pro-Chancellor elected by the members of the Council present at the meeting; or
(d) in the absence of all of the office holders referred to in a preceding paragraph—by a member of the Council elected by the members of the Council present at the meeting.
(2) A quorum of the Council is constituted by one half of the total members of the Council (ignoring any fraction resulting from the division) plus 1, and no business may be transacted at a meeting of the Council unless a quorum is present.
(3) Each member present at a meeting of the Council is entitled to 1 vote on a matter arising for decision at the meeting, but the person presiding at the meeting has, in the event of an equality of votes, a casting vote as well as a deliberative vote.
(4) Subject to this Act, a decision carried by a majority of votes cast by the members present and voting at a meeting is a decision of the Council.
(5) A meeting between members of the Council constituting a quorum by telephone, audio-visual or other electronic means is a valid meeting of the Council if—
(a) notice of the meeting is given to all members in a manner determined by the Council for that purpose; and
(b) the system of communication allows a participating member to communicate with any other participating member during the meeting.
(6) A resolution of the Council—
(a) of which notice was given to members in accordance with procedures determined by the Council; and
(b) in which at least a majority of members of the Council express their concurrence in writing or by electronic communication,
will be taken to be a decision of the Council made at a meeting of the Council.
(7) The Council must cause minutes to be kept of its proceedings in a manner determined by the Council.
(8) Subject to this Act, the proceedings of the Council may be conducted as it thinks fit.