33—Information to be given to Board by
chiropractic or osteopathy services providers
(1) A
chiropractic or osteopathy services provider must—
(a) in
the case of a person who was such a provider immediately before the
commencement of this section—within 60 days of that commencement; and
(b) in
any other case—within 60 days of becoming such a provider,
give written notice to the Board of—
(c) the
provider's full name and business or (in the case of a corporation) registered
address; and
(d) the
address of the premises at which the provider provides chiropractic or
osteopathy; and
(e) the
full names and nominated contact addresses of the chiropractors or osteopaths
through the instrumentality of whom the provider is providing chiropractic or
osteopathy; and
(f) in
the case of a corporate or trustee chiropractic or osteopathy
services provider—the full names and addresses of all persons who occupy
a position of authority in the provider.
(2) The provider must,
within 30 days of any change occurring in the particulars required to be given
under subsection (1), inform the Board in writing of the change.
(3) A person who
contravenes or fails to comply with this section is guilty of an offence.
Maximum penalty: $10 000.
(4) The Board must
keep a record of information provided to the Board under this section
available for inspection, on payment of the prescribed fee, by any person
during ordinary office hours at the office of the Board and may make the
record available to the public by electronic means.