46—Contravention of prohibition order
(1) If a person
carries on business as a chiropractic or osteopathy services provider in
contravention of an order of the Board, the person is guilty of an offence.
Maximum penalty: $75 000 or imprisonment for 6 months.
(2) If a person
occupies a position of authority in a corporate or trustee
chiropractic or osteopathy services provider in contravention of an order of
the Board, the person and the provider are each guilty of an offence.
Maximum penalty: $75 000 or imprisonment for 6 months.
(3) If a person
contravenes or fails to comply with a condition imposed by the Board as to the
conduct of the person or the person's business, the person is guilty of an
Maximum penalty: $75 000 or imprisonment for 6 months.