Schedule 1—Repeal and transitional provisions
Part 1—Repeal of
Chiropractors Act 1991
The Chiropractors Act 1991 is repealed.
Part 2—Transitional provisions
2—Transitional provisions relating to Board
(1) The Chiropractic
and Osteopathy Board of South Australia is the same body corporate as the
Chiropractors Board of South Australia continued in existence under the
repealed Act.
(2) On the
commencement of this clause, all members of the Board then in office vacate
their respective offices so that fresh appointments may be made to the Board
under this Act.
(3) Despite
section 6, the first appointment under subsection (1)(b) will be of
a person nominated by the Minister as a suitable person to represent the
interests of osteopaths.
(4) If appointments
are to be made to the Board pursuant to the Acts Interpretation Act 1915
prior to the commencement and for the purposes of section 6—
(a) a
reference in that section to chiropractor will, for those purposes, be taken
to be a reference to a person who is a registered chiropractor under the
repealed Act at the relevant time; and
despite section 14C(3) of the Acts Interpretation Act 1915 , such an
appointment takes effect on the commencement of section 6 and not before.
3—Transitional provisions relating to registration
(1) The register
maintained under the repealed Act continues in existence as the
register of chiropractors under this Act.
(2) The Registrar
will, on the commencement of this Act, remove from the register any company
that was registered as a chiropractor under the repealed Act.
(3) A person who is
registered on the register of chiropractors immediately following the
commencement of this clause will be taken to be registered under this Act on
that register and any restrictions, limitations or conditions that applied to
the registration of the person under the repealed Act immediately before that
commencement will be taken to continue to apply to the registration of the
person under this Act as if they had been imposed by the Board under this Act.
(4) If a person
referred to in subclause (3) makes due application within 3 months of the
commencement of this clause for—
registration on the register of osteopaths; or
removal from the register of chiropractors and registration on the
register of osteopaths,
the Board must, if satisfied as to the matters set out in
section 27(1)(a) to (d), grant the application.
(5) No fees are
payable in respect of an application under subclause (4).
(6) If a person who
was removed from the register under the repealed Act for any reason and who
had not, before the commencement of this Act, been reinstated on that
register, applies for registration under this Act, the Board may deal with the
application as though it were an application for reinstatement on the
register of chiropractors under this Act.
The regulations may make other provisions of a savings or transitional nature
consequent on the enactment of this Act.