(1) The primary
function of the Council is to provide independent advice to the Minister about
matters associated with reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to
climate change, including by achieving energy efficiencies, increasing the use
of renewable energy, developing methods to remove greenhouse gases from the
atmosphere, and establishing and achieving relevant targets.
(2) The Council has
other functions conferred by the Minister.
(3) In the performance
of its functions, the Council should seek—
(a) to
provide advice to the Minister on—
the impact of climate change on business and the wider
community, and the development or implementation of policies or programs
relevant to addressing climate change, including by the initiation of specific
projects and plans; and
the impact of the operation and implementation of this
Act on business and the wider community and, as appropriate, any amendments to
relevant legislation (including this Act) that, in the opinion of the Council,
should be considered or promoted by the Minister; and
costs associated with reducing or limiting climate change
or greenhouse gas emissions, or with mitigating the effects of climate change
or greenhouse gas emissions; and
costs associated with failing to take action to address
climate change; and
commercial or other opportunities associated with climate
change or reducing or limiting greenhouse gas emissions, with mitigating the
effects of climate change or greenhouse gas emissions or with increasing the
use of renewable energy sources; and
the effectiveness of any determination or target under
section 5, and the need to revise any such determination or target; and
any other matter on which the Minister requests the
advice of the Council; and
(b) to
take a leadership role in consulting with business, the environment and
conservation movement and the wider community about issues associated with
climate change and to assist in disseminating information to business and
other groups in order to encourage the implementation of practices that will
assist in addressing climate change or adapting to the effects of climate
(4) The following
requirements apply in connection with the operation of paragraph (a) of
subsection (3):
(a) any
advice to the Minister under that paragraph must be provided or confirmed by
the Council by instrument in writing;
(b) the
Minister must, within 6 sitting days after the end of each quarter, cause
a copy of any instrument received under paragraph (a) of this subsection
during the quarter to be laid before both Houses of Parliament;
(c) the
Minister must ensure that any instrument tabled under paragraph (b) is
accompanied by a statement from the Minister in which the Minister sets out
the extent to which the Minister has acted on the relevant advice, or intends
to act on the relevant advice and, to the extent that it is not accepted, the
reasons why not.