The functions of the Commissioner are—
(a) to improve the management, co-ordination and delivery of infrastructure and services provided by government agencies on Kangaroo Island;
(b) to provide appropriate assistance to residents and businesses on Kangaroo Island in dealing with government agencies (with a view to ensuring co-ordinated delivery of infrastructure and services to such residents and businesses);
(c) to assist with improving the local economy on Kangaroo Island;
This may include, for example, assisting with the marketing of the Island or products from the Island and helping to create employment and other opportunities from tourism or other industry development programs on the Island
(d) to prepare, and keep under review, management plans in accordance with the provisions of Part 4 (and consistently with the functions of the Commissioner referred to in paragraphs (a) and (c));
(e) any other functions conferred on the Commissioner by or under this or any other Act or by the Minister.