31—Other persons required to do things
(1) This section
applies in relation to a person other than an office holder, court or other
person in relation to whom section 30 applies.
(2) The State’s
cross-border laws do not authorise a person who is required under the law of
the State to do something to do that thing in another
participating jurisdiction unless the person has a connection with a
cross-border region that is partly in that other jurisdiction.
(3) The State’s
cross-border laws do not allow a person who is required under the law of
another participating jurisdiction to do something to do that thing in the
State unless the person has a connection with a cross-border region that is
partly in that other jurisdiction.
Notes for this Division—
1 The examples in this Act assume the following 3
(a) a
region straddling the State’s borders with Western Australia and the
Northern Territory (the "SA/WA/NT region");
(b) a
region straddling the State’s border with Western Australia (the "SA/WA
(c) a
region straddling the State’s border with the Northern Territory (the
"SA/NT region").
2 A person may have a connection with more than 1
cross-border region. An office holder or prescribed court of the State may
deal with the person under the State’s cross-border laws on the basis of
the person’s connection with 1 or another of those regions, having
regard to what best facilitates the administration of justice in those