42—Powers that may be exercised in another participating jurisdiction
Subsection (3) applies if a police officer of the State has required a
person in a part of the State that is in a cross-border region to provide a
sample of breath or oral fluid for a preliminary alcohol or drug test under
the State’s drink or drug-driving laws.
Subsection (3) applies if—
(a) a
police officer of the State suspects a person of having committed, or has
alleged that a person has committed, a drink or drug-driving offence under the
law of the State; and
(b) the
person has a connection with a cross-border region.
(3) Subject to
section 44, a police officer of the State may exercise in
another participating jurisdiction any of the powers the police officer has
under the State’s drink or drug-driving laws in relation to the person.
An SA police officer has required a person in the SA portion of the SA/WA
region to provide a sample of oral fluid for a preliminary drug test under
SA's drug-driving laws. The police officer suspects the person has committed a
drug-driving offence in the SA portion of the SA/WA region under the law of
SA. The police officer may require the person to provide a blood sample under
SA's drug-driving laws in WA.