72—Duties of Registrar-General
(1) The
Registrar-General must, in addition to the Register of Crown Leases maintained
under the Real Property Act 1886 , maintain such other registers as the
Registrar-General thinks fit for the purpose of recording instruments
(a) this
Act; and
other Acts dealing with land of the Crown that is not registered under the
Real Property Act 1886 ,
(and such registers will be collectively referred to as the "Crown land
register ).
(2) The
Crown land register may be wholly or partly in the form of a computer data
base, in documentary form, or in another form the Registrar-General considers
(3) The
Registrar-General will, at the request of the Minister, take such action for
or in connection with—
(a) the
issue, alteration, correction or cancellation of certificates or other
documents of title; or
(b) the
deposit of any plan in the Lands Titles Registration Office; or
(c) the
making, recording, alteration, correction or cancellation of entries or
endorsements in the Crown land register or in the Register Books,
as may be necessary or expedient for the purposes of the administration of
this Act.
(4) If the Minister
requests the Registrar-General to take action under this section to give
effect to a determination or action of the Minister, the Minister will, if
required by the Registrar-General—
furnish the Registrar-General with any map or plan required by the
Registrar-General to give effect to the determination or action; or
furnish the Registrar-General with a certificate certifying the determination
or action.
(5) If a certificate
certifying the grant of the fee simple of land is required by the
Registrar-General under subsection (4), the Minister may not delegate the
issuing of such certificate.
(6) No fees are
payable by the Minister in respect of any action taken by the
Registrar-General at the request of the Minister under this Act.