The functions of the Minister are—
(a) to
exercise control over, and grant interests in, unalienated Crown land and
maintain a general oversight of the use of all Crown land; and
(b) to
monitor the operation and administration of this Act and keep administrative
procedures under review to ensure that they are streamlined and efficient; and
(c) to
all unalienated Crown land; and
all land owned by, or under the control of, the Minister,
and to carry out work that is necessary or desirable for the development or
conservation of that land; and
(d) to
monitor the condition of Crown leasehold land and land subject to a licence or
Crown condition agreement under this Act and take appropriate action to ensure
observance of the conditions of the lease, licence or agreement; and
(e) at
the request of a Crown agency, to provide management, advisory or other
services to the agency in relation to its land; and
(f) to
carry out any other functions assigned to the Minister by or under this Act.