South Australian Numbered Acts
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AMENDMENTS) ACT 2017 (NO 64 OF 2017)
Long Title
PART 1--Preliminary
1. Short title
2. Commencement
3. Amendment provisions
4. Interpretation
PART 2--Transitional provisions relating to Child Safety (Prohibited Persons) Act 2016
5. Interpretation
6. Expiry of Part
7. Certain applications for assessments of relevant history taken to be application for working with children check
8. Recognition of certain assessments of relevant history as working with children checks
9. Transitional provisions--teachers
10. Transitional provisions--persons employed under Children's Services Act 1985
11. Transitional provisions--health practitioners
12. Transitional provisions--foster parents
13. Transitional provisions--licensed foster care agencies
14. Transitional provisions--licensed children's residential facilities
15. Transitional provisions--employees in training centres etc
16. Transitional provisions--passenger transport services
17. Evidentiary provision
PART 3--Transitional provisions relating to Children and Young People (Oversight and Advocacy Bodies) Act 2016
18. Interpretation
19. Expiry of Part
20. Continuation of members of Child Death and Serious Injury Review Committee
21. Continuation of chair as presiding member
PART 4--Transitional provisions relating to Children and Young People (Safety) Act 2017
22. Interpretation
23. References to working with children checks and the Child Safety (Prohibited Persons) Act 2016 etc
24. Chief Executive to be guardian of certain children and young people
25. Chief Executive to have custody of certain children and young people
26. Continuation of voluntary custody agreements
27. Continuation of approved foster parents as approved carers
28. Continuation of licensed foster care agencies
29. Continuation of licence to maintain children's residential facilities
30. Notifications of abuse or neglect and investigations etc under repealed Act to continue
31. Continuation of family care meetings under repealed Act
32. Orders relating to access to child or young person to continue as determination of Chief Executive
33. Continuation of certain delegations under Family and Community Services Act 1972
34. References to Families SA
35. Application of Chapter 7 Part 8 of Children and Young People (Safety) Act 2017 to certain children and young people
36. Certain policies and procedures taken to satisfy Chapter 8 of Children and Young People (Safety) Act 2017
37. Certain persons the subject of interim registration taken to be approved carers under Children and Young People (Safety) Act 2017
38. Certain persons taken to be approved carers under Children and Young People (Safety) Act 2017
PART 5--Amendment of Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996
39. Amendment of section 25--Application to register change of child's name
40. Insertion of section 25A
41. Amendment of section 38A--Notification by court appointed guardians
PART 6--Amendment of Carers Recognition Act 2005
42. Amendment of section 5--Meaning of carer
PART 7--Amendment of Child Safety (Prohibited Persons) Act 2016
43. Amendment of section 5--Interpretation
44. Amendment of section 8--Meaning of assessable information
PART 8--Amendment of Child Sex Offenders Registration Act 2006
45. Amendment of Schedule 1--Class 1 and 2 offences
PART 9--Amendment of Children and Young People (Oversight and Advocacy Bodies) Act 2016
46. Insertion of section 13A
47. Amendment of section 26--Functions and powers of Guardian
48. Amendment of section 37--Functions of the Committee
PART 10--Amendment of Children and Young People (Safety) Act 2017
49. Amendment of section 28--Chief Executive to prepare case plan in respect of certain children and young people
50. Amendment of section 32--Chief Executive must assess and take action on each report indicating child or young person may be at risk
51. Amendment of section 33--Chief Executive may refer matter
52. Amendment of section 53--Orders that can be made by Court
53. Amendment of section 90--Long-term care plan to be prepared
54. Amendment of section 103--Interpretation
55. Insertion of Chapter 7 Part 7A
PART 7A--Assessment of employees in other residential facilities
56. Insertion of section 112A
57. Amendment of section 163--Protection of identity of persons who report to or notify Department
58. Insertion of section 166A
59. Amendment of section 170--Regulations
60. Amendment of Schedule 1--Repeal and related amendment
PART 2--Amendment and repeal of Children's Protection Act 1993
PART 11--Amendment of Coroners Act 2003
61. Amendment of section 3--Interpretation
PART 12--Amendment of Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935
62. Amendment of section 5--Interpretation
63. Amendment of section 49--Unlawful sexual intercourse
64. Amendment of section 50--Persistent sexual exploitation of a child
65. Amendment of section 57--Consent no defence in certain cases
66. Amendment of section 63B--Procuring child to commit indecent act etc
PART 13--Amendment of Education and Early Childhood Services (Registration and Standards) Act 2011
67. Amendment of section 3--Interpretation
68. Amendment of section 13--Meaning of certain terms in Education and Care Services National Law (South Australia) for the purposes of this jurisdiction
69. Insertion of section 13A
70. Amendment of section 22--Composition of Board
71. Amendment section 23--Conditions of membership
72. Amendment of section 27--Registrars of Board
73. Amendment of section 28--Staff of Board
PART 14--Amendment of Family and Community Services Act 1972
74. Amendment of section 6--Interpretation
75. Amendment of section 8--Delegation
76. Repeal of Part 2 Division 3
77. Repeal of Part 2 Division 5
78. Amendment of section 23--Special welfare funds
79. Amendment of section 36--Establishment of facilities and programmes for children
80. Repeal of Part 4 Division 2 Subdivision 3
81. Repeal of Part 4 Division 2 Subdivision 4
82. Repeal of Part 4 Division 2 Subdivision 8
83. Amendment of section 98--Liability of near relatives for maintenance of child
84. Amendment of section 99--Issue of summons for maintenance
85. Amendment of section 104--Order for payment of preliminary expenses
86. Amendment of section 105--Where order made during pregnancy
87. Amendment of section 111--Power of Chief Executive to accept settlement in full
88. Amendment of section 117--Order for payment of medical and like expenses
89. Amendment of section 142--Evidentiary provision
90. Amendment of section 145--Variation of order against near relative of child
91. Amendment of section 151--Orders may direct mode of payment
92. Amendment of section 156--Order for delivery of attached property
93. Amendment of section 158--Liability of persons contravening order
94. Amendment of section 159--Collection by police of money due to Chief Executive
95. Amendment of section 160--Caveats
96. Amendment of section 161--Warrant to enforce payments under orders
97. Amendment of section 163--Sale under warrant
98. Amendment of section 164--Assurances to purchaser
99. Amendment of section 165--Issue of warrant without previous demand
100. Amendment of section 166--Effect of payment under warrant
101. Amendment of section 176--Application for attachment of earnings order
102. Amendment of section 177--Employer to make payments under order
103. Amendment of section 179--Discharge, suspension or variation of order
104. Amendment of section 180--Cessation of attachment of earnings order
105. Amendment of section 183--Notice to defendants of payments made
106. Amendment of section 189--Payments by Crown etc
107. Amendment of section 195--Proof of payment or non-payment under maintenance order
108. Amendment of section 197--Collector of Maintenance, Deputy Collector of Maintenance and Assistant Collectors of Maintenance
109. Repeal of section 236
110. Amendment of section 236A--Hindering a person in execution of duty
111. Amendment of section 240--Evidentiary provision
112. Amendment of section 242--Chief Executive may require report
113. Repeal of section 250
114. Repeal of section 250A
115. Amendment of section 251--Regulations
PART 15--Amendment of Intervention Orders (Prevention of Abuse) Act 2009
116. Amendment of section 3--Interpretation
117. Amendment of section 10--Principles for intervention against abuse
118. Amendment of section 16--Inconsistent Family Law Act or State child protection orders
119. Amendment of section 20--Application to Court for intervention order
120. Amendment of section 23--Determination of application for intervention order
121. Amendment of section 26--Intervention orders
PART 16--Amendment of Mental Health Act 2009
122. Amendment of section 86--Minister's functions
PART 17--Amendment of Residential Tenancies Act 1995
123. Amendment of section 89A--Termination based on domestic abuse
124. Amendment of section 105UA--Termination based on abuse of rooming house resident
125. Amendment of section 112--Restraining orders
PART 18--Amendment of Spent Convictions Act 2009
126. Amendment of section 13--Exclusions
127. Amendment of section 13A--Exclusions may not apply
128. Amendment of Schedule 2--Provisions relating to proceedings before a qualified magistrate
PART 19--Amendment of Summary Offences Act 1953
129. Substitution of section 66V
PART 20--Amendment of Summary Procedure Act 1921
130. Amendment of section 99AAC--Child protection restraining orders
131. Amendment of section 99KA--Special restrictions relating to child protection restraining order proceedings
PART 21--Amendment of Teachers Registration and Standards Act 2004
132. Amendment of section 3--Interpretation
133. Amendment of section 9--Membership of Teachers Registration Board
134. Amendment of section 10--Terms and conditions of membership
135. Amendment of section 21--Eligibility for registration
136. Amendment of section 22--Application for registration
137. Amendment of section 24--Conditions of registration
138. Insertion of section 24A
139. Amendment of section 28--Register
140. Amendment of section 30--Special authority for unregistered person to teach
141. Amendment of section 31--Register
142. Amendment of section 33--Cause for disciplinary action
143. Insertion of section 33A
144. Amendment of section 37--Employer to report dismissal
145. Insertion of section 52A
146. Amendment of section 61--Regulations
PART 22--Amendment of Youth Court Act 1993
147. Amendment of section 7--Jurisdiction
PART 23--Amendment of Youth Justice Administration Act 2016
148. Amendment of section 3--Objects and guiding principles
149. Amendment of section 4--Interpretation
150. Amendment of section 10--Official visitors
151. Amendment of section 14--Training Centre Visitor's functions
152. Amendment of section 43--Community programs
153. Insertion of section 21A
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