(1) Subject to this
section, a person is a "carer" for the purposes of this Act if he or she is a
natural person who provides ongoing care or assistance to—
(a) a
person who has a disability within the meaning of the Disability Services
Act 1993 ; or
(b) a
person who has a chronic illness, including a mental illness within the
meaning of the Mental Health Act 1993 ; or
(c) a
person who, because of frailty, requires assistance with the carrying out of
everyday tasks; or
(d) a
person of a class prescribed by regulation.
(2) A person is not a
carer if the person provides the care or assistance—
under a contract for services or a contract of service; or
(b) in
the course of doing community work organised by a community organisation
within the meaning of the Volunteers Protection Act 2001 .
(3) A person is not a
carer for the purposes of this Act only because the person—
(a) is a
spouse, de facto partner, parent or guardian of the person to whom the care or
assistance is being provided; or
provides care to a child who has been placed in the care of that person under
the Children's Protection Act 1993 or any other Act.