86—Fisheries officer may be assisted in exercise of powers etc
(1) A
fisheries officer may, while acting in the exercise of powers or discharge of
duties under this Act, be accompanied by any person and, if he or she
reasonably believes that it is necessary in the circumstances, request a
suitable person to assist him or her in the exercise or discharge of those
powers or duties.
(2) A person, while
assisting a fisheries officer in response to a request for assistance, has and
may exercise all such powers of a fisheries officer as are reasonably
necessary for the purpose.
(3) A
fisheries officer may, if he or she believes that it is necessary for the
purpose of enforcing the provisions of this Act, request the person in charge
of a boat or vehicle to make the boat or vehicle available for his or her use.
(4) If a
fisheries officer makes use of a boat or vehicle under subsection (3),
the Minister may pay to the person who would otherwise have been entitled to
the use of the boat or vehicle at that time such compensation as the Minister
considers proper for any loss incurred as a result of the boat or vehicle
being made available for use by the fisheries officer.
Subdivision 3—Scientific observers