The Commissioner has the following functions:
(a) to develop and promote strategies for reducing the incidence of problem gambling and for preventing or minimising the harm caused by gambling;
(b) to undertake, assist in or coordinate ongoing research into matters relevant to gambling and the Commissioner's functions relating to gambling, including research into—
(i) the social and economic costs and benefits to the community of gambling and the gambling industry; and
(ii) the likely impact, both negative and positive, on the community of any new gambling product or gambling activity that might be introduced by any section of the gambling industry; and
(iii) strategies for reducing the incidence of problem gambling and preventing or minimising the harm caused by gambling; and
(iv) any other matter directed by the Minister;
(c) to provide a proactive whole-of-industry and client-centric responsive approach to the promotion of responsible gambling practices and the prevention or minimisation of harm caused by gambling;
(d) to ensure that an effective and efficient system of supervision is established and maintained over operations undertaken under a gambling Act;
(e) to conduct consumer and gambling provider education campaigns and publish advertisements directed at reducing the incidence of problem gambling and for preventing or minimising the harm caused by gambling;
(f) to encourage the gambling industry and related professional associations to disseminate to their members, and enforce compliance with, responsible gambling and advertising codes of practice;
(g) to publish reports and disseminate statistical information on matters relating to operations undertaken under a gambling Act;
(h) to consider representations from, and give consideration to matters identified by, the Gambling Advisory Council or the welfare agency relating to the incidence of problem gambling or measures for preventing or minimising the harm caused by gambling;
(i) to advise, and make recommendations to, a relevant Minister on matters relating to operations undertaken under a gambling Act or on any aspect of the operation, administration or enforcement of a gambling Act;
(j) to perform other functions assigned to the Commissioner under a gambling Act or by the Minister.