5—Amendment of section 81A—Provisional licences
(1) Section 81A(a1),
definition of "serious disqualification offence , (a)—delete "incurs"
and substitute:
(2) Section 81A(a1),
definition of "serious disqualification offence , (b)—delete "incurs"
and substitute:
(3) Section 81A(a1),
definition of "serious disqualification offence , (b)—delete "incurred"
and substitute:
(4) Section
81A(3b)—delete subsection (3b) and substitute:
(3b) Subject to this
Act, the conditions imposed under subsection (3a) on a P2 licence issued
to a person are effective for the prescribed period.
(3ba) However—
subject to paragraph (b), if the person would be under the age of
19 years when the prescribed period elapses, the conditions are effective
until he or she turns 19;
(b) if
the person incurs any demerit points in respect of offences committed or
allegedly committed while under the age of 19 years and the person would
be under the age of 20 years when the prescribed period elapses, the
conditions are effective until the person turns 20.