18—Amendment of section 21—Recovery of levy not affected by
objection, review or appeal
Section 21(1)—delete "Minister" and substitute:
Section 21(2)(c)—delete paragraph (c) and substitute:
interest accrues on a daily basis on an amount to be refunded under paragraph
(a) from the day on which the levy to which the objection, review or appeal
relates was assessed as being payable or from the day on which the levy was
paid, whichever is the later, until the day the amount is refunded or
otherwise applied;
interest accrues on an unpaid amount referred to in paragraph (b) from the
expiration of 30 days from the day on which notification of the alteration or
decision referred to in paragraph (b) was given to the person who initiated
the objection, review or appeal until the day the amount is paid;
(e) the
interest rates that apply under this subsection are—
(a) for
the purposes of paragraph (c)—the market rate (within the meaning of
section 26 of the Taxation Administration Act 1996 ); and
(b) for
the purposes of paragraph (d)—the interest rate applying for the time
being under section 17J.