15—Variation of rule 143—Passing or overtaking a vehicle displaying a do not overtake turning vehicle sign
Rule 143—after subrule (1) insert:
(1A) A driver must not drive past, or overtake, to the left of a vehicle displaying a do not overtake turning vehicle sign unless:
(a) the driver is driving on a multi-lane road and the vehicle can be safely overtaken in a marked lane to the left of the vehicle; or
(b) the vehicle is turning right, or making a U-turn from the centre of the road, and is giving a right change of direction signal and it is safe to overtake to the left of the vehicle; or
(c) the vehicle is stationary and it is safe to overtake to the left of the vehicle.
Offence provision.
"Centre of the road, marked lane, multi-lane road, overtake, right change of direction signal" and "U-turn" are defined in the dictionary.