5—Ka n ku-Breakaways Conservation Park co-management board
(1) The Ka n ku-Breakaways Conservation Park co-management board continues as the co-management board for the Ka n ku-Breakaways Conservation Park.
The Breakaways Conservation Park Co-management board was established as the co-management board for the park by the National Parks and Wildlife (Breakaways Conservation Park) Regulations 2013
—see Gazette 1.8.2013 p3401 .
The name of the park has been altered to Ka n ku-Breakaways Conservation Park—see Gazette 19.11.2015 p4979 and the name of the co-management board is altered accordingly.
(2) Subject to subregulation (3)
, the Ka n ku-Breakaways Conservation Park co-management board consists of 7 members appointed by the Minister of whom—
(a) 4 must be Antakirinja Matuntjara Yankunytjatjara people appointed on the nomination of AMYAC; and
(b) 2 must be persons nominated by the District Council of Coober Pedy; and
(c) 1 must be an officer of the Department.
(3) If AMYAC refuses or fails to nominate an Antakirinja Matuntjara Yankunytjatjara person in relation to a particular office under subregulation (2)(a)
, the Minister may appoint a suitable Antakirinja Matuntjara Yankunytjatjara person to fill the office.
(4) The Minister may appoint a person to be a deputy of a member appointed under subregulation (2)
and a person so appointed may act as a member of the board in the absence of the member.
(5) A requirement or qualification specified by this regulation in relation to an appointment of a member extends to an appointment of a deputy of that member.