Schedule 6—Basic species: species prescribed under section 58(1)(a) of the Act
Protected animals of the species identified in this Schedule are prescribed for the purposes of section 58(1)(a) of the Act.
BIRDS | | |
Emu | | |
Species code |
Common name |
Zoological name |
C00001 |
Emu |
Dromaius novaehollandiae |
Buttonquails | | |
Species code |
Common name |
Zoological name |
K00013 |
Red-backed Buttonquail |
Turnix maculosus |
W00019 |
Red-chested Buttonquail |
Turnix pyrrhothorax |
Swans, geese and ducks | | |
Species code |
Common name |
Zoological name |
M04182 |
Australasian Shoveler (Blue-winged) |
Anas rhynchotis |
G00207 |
Australian Shelduck |
Tadorna tadornoides |
W00203 |
Black Swan |
Cygnus atratus |
M00198 |
Cape Barren Goose |
Cereopsis novaehollandiae novaehollandiae |
Y04148 |
Grey Teal (Australasian Teal) |
Anas gracilis |
G00215 |
Hardhead (White-eyed Duck) |
Aythya australis |
Z00199 |
Magpie Goose |
Anseranas semipalmata |
E00206 |
Raja Shelduck |
Tadorna radjah |
A00204 |
Wandering Whistling Duck |
Dendrocygna arcuata |
Nativehens | | |
Species code |
Common name |
Zoological name |
G00055 |
Black-tailed Nativehen |
Tribonyx ventralis |
C04145 |
Dusky Moorhen |
Gallinula tenebrosa |
E04250 |
Tasmanian Nativehen |
Tribonyx mortierii |
Stonecurlews | | |
Species code |
Common name |
Zoological name |
U00174 |
Bush Stonecurlew |
Burhinus grallarius |
Plovers and gulls | | |
Species code |
Common name |
Zoological name |
G00135 |
Banded Lapwing |
Vanellus tricolor |
C00133 |
Masked Lapwing (northern subspecies) |
Vanellus miles miles |
W09343 |
Spur-winged Plover |
Vanellus miles novaehollandiae |
Dotterels and stilts | | |
Species code |
Common name |
Zoological name |
K00145 |
Inland Dotterel |
Peltohyas australis |
M00146 |
White-headed (Black-winged) Stilt |
Himantopus leucocephalus |
Pigeons and doves | | |
Species code |
Common name |
Zoological name |
C00029 |
Brown Cuckoo-dove |
Macropygia amboinensis |
Q00040 |
Partridge Pigeon |
Geophaps smithii |
K00021 |
Rose-crowned Fruit-dove |
Ptilinopus regina |
Z00023 |
Superb Fruit-dove |
Ptilinopus superbus |
Cuckooshrikes | | |
Species code |
Common name |
Zoological name |
Y04120 |
Black-faced Cuckooshrike |
Coracina novaehollandiae |
Cockatoos and parrots | | |
Species code |
Common name |
Zoological name |
G00283 |
Adelaide Rosellas |
Platycercus elegans (fleurieuensis & subadelaidae) |
C00281 |
Australian King-parrot |
Alisterus scapularis |
W21031 |
Cloncurry |
Barnardius zonarius macgillivrayi |
A15072 |
Crimson Rosellas |
Platycercus elegans (elegans & melanopterus) |
C21033 |
Eclectus Parrot |
Eclectus roratus macgillivrayi |
A00300 |
Golden-shouldered Parrot |
Psephotus chrysopterygius |
K00285 |
Green Rosella |
Platycercus caledonicus |
Q00260 |
Little Lorikeet |
Parvipsitta pusilla |
U00270 |
Major Mitchell's Cockatoo |
Lophochroa leadbeateri |
U21030 |
Mallee Ringneck |
Barnardius zonarius barnardi |
Q00296 |
Mulga Parrot |
Psephotellus varius |
S05489 |
Port Lincoln Parrot |
Barnardius zonarius zonarius |
G00259 |
Purple-crowned Lorikeet |
Parvipsitta porphyrocephala |
E00290 |
Red-capped Parrot |
Purpureicephalus spurius |
M08002 |
Red-vented Blue Bonnet |
Northiella haematogaster haematorrhous |
M04246 |
Red-winged Parrot |
Aprosmictus erythropterus |
C04381 |
Regent Parrot (eastern subspecies) |
Polytelis anthopeplus monarchoides |
E05490 |
Regent Parrot (WA subspecies) |
Polytelis anthopeplus anthopeplus |
Q00308 |
Rock Parrot |
Neophema petrophila |
K00277 |
Superb Parrot |
Polytelis swainsonii |
C00257 |
Varied Lorikeet |
Psitteuteles versicolor |
Y00284 |
Yellow Rosella |
Platycercus elegans flaveolus |
A21032 |
Yellow-vented Blue Bonnet |
Northiella haematogaster haematogaster |
Owls | | |
Species code |
Common name |
Zoological name |
M00242 |
Southern Boobook |
Ninox boobook |
Frogmouths | | |
Species code |
Common name |
Zoological name |
K00313 |
Tawny Frogmouth |
Podargus strigoides |
Kingfishers | | |
Species code |
Common name |
Zoological name |
Z00323 |
Blue-winged Kookaburra |
Dacelo leachii |
S04169 |
Laughing Kookaburra |
Dacelo novaeguineae |
Fairywrens | | |
Species code |
Common name |
Zoological name |
E00530 |
Black-backed Fairywren |
Malurus splendens melanotis |
K00541 |
Red-backed Fairywren |
Malurus melanocephalus |
E21034 |
Splendid Fairywren |
Malurus splendens splendens |
S00529 |
Superb Fairywren |
Malurus cyaneus |
G05491 |
Turquoise Fairywren |
Malurus splendens callainus |
Q00536 |
Variegated Fairywren |
Malurus lamberti |
Z00535 |
White-winged Fairywren |
Malurus leucopterus |
Robins | | |
Species code |
Common name |
Zoological name |
Q00392 |
Eastern Yellow Robin |
Eopsaltria australis |
S00385 |
Hooded Robin |
Melanodryas cucullata |
K00381 |
Red-capped Robin |
Petroica goodenovii |
Grass-finches | | |
Species code |
Common name |
Zoological name |
G21019 |
Crimson Finch (white-bellied subspecies) |
Neochmia phaeton evangelinae |
A00652 |
Diamond Firetail |
Stagonopleura guttata |
G04075 |
Red-browed Finch |
Neochmia temporalis |
W00651 |
Red-eared Firetail |
Stagonopleura oculata |
Honeyeaters and chats | | |
Species code |
Common name |
Zoological name |
Y04200 |
Blue-faced Honeyeater |
Entomyzon cyanotis |
M00630 |
Crescent Honeyeater |
Phylidonyris pyrrhopterus |
S00449 |
Crimson Chat |
Epthianura tricolor |
E00450 |
Orange Chat |
Epthianura aurifrons |
E00602 |
Pied Honeyeater |
Certhionyx variegatus |
M00586 |
Scarlet Honeyeater |
Myzomela sanguinolenta |
Z04131 |
White-fronted Chat |
Epthianura albifrons |
M00594 |
White-fronted Honeyeater |
Purnella albifrons |
Woodswallows | | |
Species code |
Common name |
Zoological name |
W00547 |
Dusky Woodswallow |
Artamus cyanopterus |
Q00544 |
Masked Woodswallow |
Artamus personatus |
Z00543 |
White-breasted Woodswallow |
Artamus leucorhynchus |
S00545 |
White-browed Woodswallow |
Artamus superciliosus |
Carnivorous marsupials | | |
Species code |
Common name |
Zoological name |
A01072 |
Fat-tailed Dunnart |
Sminthopsis crassicaudata |
Possums | | |
Species code |
Common name |
Zoological name |
K01113 |
Common Brushtail Possum |
Trichosurus vulpecula |
Wallabies | | |
Species code |
Common name |
Zoological name |
K01245 |
Parma Wallaby |
Macropus parma |
Y01236 |
Red-necked Pademelon |
Thylogale thetis |
K01261 |
Red-necked Wallaby |
Macropus rufogriseus |
E01242 |
Swamp Wallaby |
Wallabia bicolor |
C05889 |
Tammar Wallaby |
Macropus eugenii eugenii |
G01235 |
Tasmanian Pademelon |
Thylogale billardierii |
Rodents | | |
Species code |
Common name |
Zoological name |
Y01480 |
Mitchell's Hopping-mouse |
Notomys mitchellii |
S01469 |
Plains Mouse (Rat) |
Pseudomys australis |
Potoroos and bettongs | | |
Species code |
Common name |
Zoological name |
M21002 |
Brush-tailed Bettong (Woylie) |
Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi |
Z01175 |
Long-nosed Potoroo |
Potorous tridactylus |
W01187 |
Rufous Bettong |
Aepyprymnus rufescens |
Gliders | | |
Species code |
Common name |
Zoological name |
E04226 |
Squirrel Glider |
Petaurus norfolcensis |
E01138 |
Sugar Glider |
Petaurus breviceps |
Turtles and tortoises | | |
Species code |
Common name |
Zoological name |
A02016 |
Broadshelled Tortoise |
Chelodina expansa |
S05585 |
Jardine River Turtle |
Emydura subglobosa |
C02033 |
Krefft's River Turtle |
Emydura macquarii krefftii |
Q02020 |
Northern Snake-necked Turtle |
Chelodina oblonga |
Y02028 |
Northern Snapping Turtle |
Elseya dentata |
Q05584 |
Northern Yellow-faced Turtle |
Emydura tanybaraga |
Y05580 |
North-west Red-faced Turtle |
Emydura victoriae |
G02019 |
Oblong Turtle |
Chelodina colliei |
K02029 |
Saw-shelled Turtle |
Wollumbinia latisternum |
Legless lizards | | |
Species code |
Common name |
Zoological name |
E02174 |
Common Scaly-foot |
Pygopus lepidopodus |
Q04044 |
Eastern Hooded Scaly-foot |
Pygopus schraderi |
C02165 |
Excitable Delma |
Delma tincta |
S02161 |
Gulfs Delma |
Delma molleri |
Q02160 |
Patternless Delma |
Delma inornata |
G02175 |
Western Hooded Scaly-foot |
Pygopus nigriceps |
Dragon lizards | | |
Species code |
Common name |
Zoological name |
Z02179 |
Black-collared Dragon |
Ctenophorus clayi |
Q02196 |
Central Netted Dragon |
Ctenophorus nuchalis |
A02180 |
Crested Dragon |
Ctenophorus cristatus |
U05586 |
Downs Bearded Dragon |
Pogona henrylawsoni |
G21035 |
Dwarf Bearded Dragon |
Pogona minor minor |
K02177 |
Eastern Bearded Dragon |
Pogona barbata |
K02257 |
Eyrean Earless Dragon |
Tympanocryptis tetraporophora |
Y02184 |
Eyre Peninsula Dragon |
Ctenophorus fionni |
E02246 |
Gilbert's Dragon |
Lophognathus gilberti |
M02194 |
Jacky Lizard |
Amphibolurus muricatus |
W05587 |
Kimberley Bearded Dragon |
Pogona microlepidota |
G02255 |
Lined Earless Dragon |
Tympanocryptis lineata |
G02247 |
Long-nosed Dragon |
Gowidon longirostris |
K02185 |
Mallee Dragon |
Ctenophorus fordi |
Z02187 |
Military Dragon |
Ctenophorus isolepis |
E02182 |
Mountain Dragon |
Rankinia diemensis |
Z02195 |
Nobbi Dragon |
Diporiphora nobbi |
C04313 |
North-west Bearded Dragon |
Pogona minor mitchelli |
U02198 |
Ornate Dragon |
Ctenophorus ornatus |
W02199 |
Painted Dragon |
Ctenophorus pictus |
G02203 |
Red-barred Dragon |
Ctenophorus vadnappa |
M02178 |
Ring-tailed Dragon |
Ctenophorus caudicinctus |
C02245 |
Southern Angle-headed Dragon |
Lophosaurus spinipes |
C02181 |
Tawny Dragon |
Ctenophorus decresii |
A02252 |
Water Dragon |
Intellagama lesueurii |
G02191 |
Western Bearded Dragon |
Pogona minor minima |
A02200 |
Western Netted Dragon |
Ctenophorus reticulatus |
Geckos | | |
Species code |
Common name |
Zoological name |
M05590 |
Banded Knob-tail |
Nephrurus wheeleri |
Z02119 |
Banded Velvet Gecko |
Oedura cincta |
K02109 |
Beaded Gecko |
Lucasium damaeum |
A04312 |
Centralian Knob-tailed Gecko |
Nephrurus amyae |
A02112 |
Common Knob-tailed Gecko |
Nephrurus levis |
C05589 |
Dotted Velvet Gecko |
Oedura gemmata |
Q04492 |
Eastern Stone Gecko |
Diplodactylus vittatus (revised) |
A05588 |
Fringe-toed Velvet Gecko |
Oedura filicipoda |
Y02052 |
Gibber Gecko |
Lucasium byrnei |
W02075 |
Golden-tailed Gecko |
Strophurus taenicauda |
S02057 |
Helmeted Gecko |
Diplodactylus galeatus |
Z02055 |
Jewelled Gecko |
Strophurus elderi |
M02118 |
Lesueur's Velvet Gecko |
Amalosia lesueurii |
K04261 |
Map Gecko |
Lucasium steindachneri |
Z02135 |
Northern Giant Cave Gecko |
Pseudothecadactylus lindneri |
Z05583 |
Northern Knob-tailed Gecko |
Nephrurus sheai |
K02053 |
Northern Spiny-tailed Gecko |
Strophurus ciliaris |
K02117 |
Northern Spotted Velvet Gecko |
Oedura coggeri |
Y02116 |
Northern Velvet Gecko |
Oedura castelnaui |
A02120 |
Ocellated Velvet Gecko |
Oedura monilis |
W02111 |
Pale Knob-tailed Gecko |
Nephrurus laevissimus |
A05596 |
Phasmid Striped Gecko |
Strophurus taeniatus |
S02049 |
Ring-tailed Gecko |
Cyrtodactylus tuberculatus |
K02089 |
Robust Tree Dtella |
Gehyra purpurascens |
G02123 |
Robust Velvet Gecko |
Nebulifera robusta |
U02110 |
Rough Knob-tail |
Nephrurus asper |
C05597 |
Rough-throated Leaf-tailed Gecko |
Saltuarius salebrosus |
Q04424 |
Sandplain Gecko |
Lucasium stenodactylum |
G05599 |
Short-tailed Dtella |
Gehyra baliola |
W02059 |
Southern Spiny-tailed Gecko |
Strophurus intermedius |
Y02124 |
Southern Spotted Velvet Gecko |
Oedura tryoni |
C02113 |
Starred Knob-tailed Gecko |
Nephrurus stellatus |
Y05600 |
Western Spiny-tailed Gecko |
Strophurus strophurus |
U05622 |
Wheat-belt Stone Gecko |
Diplodactylus granariensis (revised) |
| | |
Species code |
Common name |
Zoological name |
K02425 |
Black Rock Skink |
Egernia saxatilis |
Q04192 |
Blacksoil Skink |
Proablepharus kinghorni |
U02578 |
Blotched Bluetongue |
Tiliqua nigrolutea |
U02438 |
Broad-banded Sandswimmer |
Eremiascincus richardsonii |
A02420 |
Bull Skink |
Liopholis multiscutata |
S02577 |
Centralian Bluetongue |
Tiliqua multifasciata |
M02418 |
Centralian Ranges Rock-skink |
Liopholis margaretae |
S02365 |
Common Desert Ctenotus |
Ctenotus leonhardii |
E02386 |
Copper-tailed Skink |
Ctenotus taeniolatus |
Y02408 |
Cunningham's Skink |
Egernia cunninghami |
Q05620 |
Dampier Land Limbless Slider |
Lerista apoda |
W04507 |
Dark Barsided Skink |
Concinnia martini |
C02413 |
Desert Skink |
Liopholis inornata |
S04505 |
Eastern Crevice Skink |
Egernia mcpheei |
U02374 |
Eastern Desert Ctenotus |
Ctenotus regius |
W02375 |
Eastern Striped Skink |
Ctenotus spaldingi |
U02682 |
Eastern Three-lined Skink |
Acritoscincus duperreyi |
Z02427 |
Gidgee Skink |
Egernia stokesii |
M05610 |
Goldfields Crevice-skink |
Egernia formosa |
A02412 |
Hosmer's Skink |
Egernia hosmeri |
E02414 |
King's Skink |
Egernia kingii |
K02417 |
Land Mullet |
Bellatorias major |
Z05611 |
Lined Soil-crevice Skink |
Notoscincus butleri |
U04506 |
Mainland She-oak Skink |
Cyclodomorphus michaeli |
W02411 |
Major Skink |
Bellatorias frerei |
Q05612 |
Murray's Skink |
Silvascincus murrayi |
S05621 |
Narrow-banded Sandswimmer |
Eremiascincus fasciolatus (revised) |
Q02428 |
Night Skink |
Liopholis striata |
S05613 |
Northern Bar-lipped Skink |
Eremiascincus isolepis |
Y05492 |
Pink-tongued Lizard |
Cyclodomorphus gerrardii |
Z02339 |
Pin-striped Ctenotus |
Ctenotus ariadnae |
K02409 |
Pygmy Spiny-tailed Skink |
Egernia depressa |
U05614 |
Robust Rainbow-skink |
Carlia schmeltzii |
G02343 |
Sandhill Ctenotus |
Ctenotus brooksi |
E02482 |
Southern Four-toed Slider |
Lerista dorsalis |
E02502 |
Southern Three-toed Slider |
Lerista terdigitata |
C02561 |
Southern Water Skink |
Eulamprus tympanum |
Q04328 |
Speckled Wall Skink |
Cryptoblepharus pannosus |
W02331 |
Striped Wall Skink |
Cryptoblepharus pulcher |
E05618 |
Taper-tailed West-coast Slider |
Lerista humphriesi |
G05619 |
Three-toed Skink |
Saiphos equalis |
W02579 |
Western Bluetongue |
Tiliqua occipitalis |
Z02443 |
Western Earless Skink |
Hemiergis initialis |
Monitors and goannas | | |
Species code |
Common name |
Zoological name |
M02282 |
Black-headed Monitor |
Varanus tristis |
K05601 |
Black-palmed Monitor |
Varanus glebopalma |
G04315 |
Black-spotted Spiny-tailed Monitor |
Varanus baritji |
M02266 |
Desert Pygmy Goanna |
Varanus eremius |
U21022 |
Gould’s Goanna |
Varanus gouldii gouldii |
S02269 |
Kimberley Rock Monitor |
Varanus glauerti |
M05602 |
Long-tailed Rock Monitor |
Varanus kingorum |
Y02272 |
Mangrove Monitor |
Varanus indicus |
K02273 |
Mertens' Water Monitor |
Varanus mertensi |
M02274 |
Mitchell's Water Monitor |
Varanus mitchelli |
Z05603 |
Northern Ridge-tailed Monitor |
Varanus primordius |
K05581 |
Pilbara Mulga Monitor |
Varanus bushi |
Q05604 |
Pilbara Rock Monitor |
Varanus pilbarensis |
Q02268 |
Pygmy Mulga Goanna |
Varanus gilleni |
G02263 |
Ridge-tailed Monitor |
Varanus acanthurus |
U02278 |
Rusty Monitor |
Varanus semiremex |
W21023 |
Sand Monitor (arid subspecies) |
Varanus gouldii flavirufus |
Y04112 |
Short-tailed Pygmy Goanna |
Varanus brevicauda |
W02279 |
Spencer's Monitor |
Varanus spenceri |
K05493 |
Spotted Tree Monitor |
Varanus scalaris |
S05605 |
Storr's Monitor |
Varanus storri |
U05606 |
Stripe-tailed Monitor |
Varanus caudolineatus |
Pythons | | |
Species code |
Common name |
Zoological name |
Q02612 |
Black-headed Python |
Aspidites melanocephalus |
C02625 |
Carpet Python |
Morelia spilota |
W05607 |
Centralian Carpet Python |
Morelia bredli |
M05582 |
Childrens Python |
Antaresia childreni |
S02621 |
Olive Python |
Liasis olivaceus |
A05608 |
Rough-scaled Python |
Morelia carinata |
C05609 |
Spotted Python |
Antaresia maculosa |
G02619 |
Stimson's Python |
Antaresia stimsoni |
Q02620 |
Water Python |
Liasis fuscus |
S02613 |
Woma |
Aspidites ramsayi |
Colubridae snakes | | |
Species code |
Common name |
Zoological name |
U02630 |
Brown Tree Snake |
Boiga irregularis |
C02633 |
Common (Green) Tree Snake |
Dendrelaphis punctulatus |
K02629 |
Keelback Snake |
Tropidonophis mairii |
A02632 |
Northern Tree Snake |
Dendrelaphis calligastra |
M02638 |
Slaty-grey Snake |
Stegonotus cucullatus |
Tree frogs | | |
Species code |
Common name |
Zoological name |
G03207 |
Southern Bell Frog |
Litoria raniformis |
Froglets and toadlets | | |
Species code |
Common name |
Zoological name |
C03029 |
Smooth Frog |
Geocrinia laevis |