(1) The accreditation authority may cancel or suspend an accreditation if 1 or more of the grounds specified in subregulation (2) applies.
(2) The following grounds are specified:
(a) events have occurred such that the accredited professional would not be entitled to be granted accreditation if the person were to apply for accreditation;
(b) the accredited professional, in the performance, exercise or discharge, or purported performance, exercise or discharge, of a function, power or duty under the Act or any regulations under the Act (including these regulations), failed to comply with a provision of the Act or regulations;
(c) without limiting paragraph (b), the accredited professional has failed to comply with a requirement of these regulations;
(d) without limiting paragraph (c), the accredited professional has contravened or failed to comply with a condition of the accreditation;
(e) the accredited professional has contravened or failed to comply with a relevant code of conduct under clause 1(1)(c) or (d) of Schedule 3 of the Act;
(f) the accreditation authority considers that the accredited professional obtained the accreditation improperly or on the basis of false or misleading information;
(g) any other ground for the cancellation of the accreditation specified by these regulations; or
(h) the accredited professional—
(i) is otherwise, in the opinion of the accreditation authority, no longer a fit and proper person or otherwise suitable to hold an accreditation under these regulations; or
(ii) has otherwise acted in an unprofessional or inappropriate manner, or failed to professionally discharge a responsibility under the Act.