107—Duties of persons giving authorisation and carrying out treatment to make records
(1) A person who authorises the exposure of a person to ionising radiation for the purposes of radiation therapy must, immediately after giving the authorisation, make a record containing the following information:
(a) the full name, date of birth and residential address of the person to be treated;
(b) the type of ionising radiation to be given as treatment;
(c) the date on which treatment was authorised;
(d) the equivalent doses to be given;
(e) details of the organs and tissues (or anatomical regions) to be given those equivalent doses;
(f) the indications for the treatment.
Maximum penalty: $10 000.
Expiation fee: $500.
(2) A person carrying out a treatment referred to in subregulation (1)
must, immediately after carrying out that treatment—
(a) enter in the record—
(i) the date on which the treatment was carried out; and
(ii) full details of the treatment factors and parameters actually employed to deliver the dose to the patient; and
(b) sign the entry immediately after it has been made.
Maximum penalty: $10 000.
Expiation fee: $500.
(3) A person must not destroy or dispose of a record made under this regulation except as is approved by the Minister.
Maximum penalty: $10 000.
Expiation fee: $500.