South Australian Proclamations and Notices

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Highways (Road Closure—Old Belair Road, Torrens Park) Proclamation 2004

under section 27AA of the Highways Act 1926

1—Short title

This proclamation may be cited as the Highways (Road Closure—Old Belair Road, Torrens Park) Proclamation 2004.


This proclamation comes into operation on the day on which it is made.

3—Road closure

The portion of Old Belair Road delineated as allotment 201 in Plan No FP 45689 lodged in the Lands Titles Registration Office is closed.

Made by the Governor

on the recommendation of the Commissioner of Highways and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council
on 28 October 2004


[Published in the Gazette on 28 October 2004 at page 4089]

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