South Australian Proclamations and Notices

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South Australia

Youth Court (Designation and Classification of Special Justices) Proclamation 2012

under section 9 of the Youth Court Act 1993

1—Short title

This proclamation may be cited as the Youth Court (Designation and Classification of Special Justices) Proclamation 2012.


This proclamation comes into operation on the day on which it is made.

3—Designation and classification of special justices

The special justices named in Schedule 1 are—

(a) designated as special justices of the Youth Court of South Australia; and

(b) classified as members of the Court's ancillary judiciary.

Schedule 1—Special justices of Court

Glen Charles Blackmore

Garth James Challans

Warren Frederick Dibben

Michael Ferdinand Haeusler

Peter Francis Hammond

Brenton Leslie Henschke

Robert James Howard

Andrew Kam Tong Lee

Carlo Phillip Mancini

John McPhail

David Thomas Pearce

Selwyn Norman Smith

Ian Tige

Anthony Philip White

Made by the Governor

with the advice and consent of the Executive Council
on 15 March 2012

JP12/005CS & JP12/006CS

[Published in the Gazette on 15 March 2012 at page 998]

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