South Australian Repealed Acts

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This legislation has been repealed.


Schedule 2—Transitional provisions

1—Vesting of property, rights etc

        (1)         The property, rights and liabilities vested in or attached to each board of management constituted under the Irrigation on Private Property Act 1939 , the board of management constituted under The Ramco Heights Irrigation Area Act 1963 and the Pyap Irrigation Trust immediately before the commencement of this Act vest in or attach to the corresponding trust constituted by this Act.

        (2)         The property, rights and liabilities vested in or attached to Lower River Broughton Irrigation Trust immediately before the commencement of this Act vest in or attach to the District Council of Port Pirie.

        (3)         The irrigation works (as defined by section 82 of the Crown Lands Act 1929 ) vested in the Lyrup Village Association immediately before the commencement of this Act vest in the trust constituted by this Act in respect of the irrigation district served by those works.

2—Water allocations

        (1)         If—

            (a)         there is no water allocation assigned to land immediately before the commencement of this Act; and

            (b)         on the commencement of this Act the land comprises part of an irrigation district under this Act,

the authority for the district may fix a water allocation in respect of the land.

        (2)         The water allocation must not exceed the quantity of water that was required to irrigate the crop grown on the land in the immediately preceding season.

3—Rating period under repealed Acts

        (1)         Where this Act comes into operation during a rating period under the Irrigation Act 1930 or under one of the repealed Acts, rates or other charges for that period that would have become payable in respect of land under the relevant Act if it had not been amended or repealed by this Act will be payable to the relevant irrigation authority by the owner and occupier of the land as if the relevant Act had not been amended or repealed.

        (2)         The relevant irrigation authority may serve any notice or do any other thing that is necessary under the relevant Act in relation to the imposition of rates or charges under that Act.

        (3)         An amount payable under subclause (1) attracts interest and is recoverable in the same way as charges under Part 7.

        (4)         A rating period referred to in subclause (1) will be taken to be a charging period for the purposes of this Act.

        (5)         In this clause—

rating period means a period in respect of which rates or charges for the supply of water to, or the drainage of water from, land are payable under the Irrigation Act 1930 or under one of the repealed Acts;

relevant irrigation authority in respect of land means—

            (a)         where the land is connected to the irrigation or drainage system of a government irrigation district—the Minister;

            (b)         where the land is connected to the irrigation or drainage system of a private irrigation district—the trust for that district.

4—Entitlement to vote

        (1)         A person who is not an owner of an irrigated property but who was, by reason of his or her status in relation to a property that is an irrigated property under this Act, entitled to attend and vote (to the exclusion of the owner of the property) at meetings of the board of management, trust or other body having the administration of an irrigation area or district under one of the repealed Acts may attend and vote at meetings of the relevant trust to the exclusion of the owner of the property while he or she retains that status in relation to that property and retains possession of the property.

        (2)         A person referred to in subclause (1) will be taken to be a member of the trust while he or she retains the right to attend and vote at meetings of the trust under that subclause.

5—Obligation to supply water etc outside district

        (1)         Where—

            (a)         immediately before the commencement of this Act a water allocation applied in respect of land under the Irrigation Act 1930 or one of the repealed Acts; and

            (b)         water was supplied to the land, or drained from the land, under the relevant Act during the rating period occurring immediately before the commencement of this Act; and

            (c)         the land is not an irrigated property for the purposes of this Act,

an agreement under section 37 will be taken to subsist between the authority for the irrigation district and the occupier of the land under which—

            (d)         the authority agrees to continue to supply water to, or drain water from, the land upon the terms and conditions (if any) that applied immediately before the commencement of this Act; and

            (e)         the occupier agrees to pay to the authority charges for the supply of water to, or drainage of water from, the land.

        (2)         Part 7 applies to the imposition and recovery of charges referred to in subclause (1)(e) as if the land were an irrigated property within the authority's irrigation district.

        (3)         The water allocation applying in respect of the land immediately before the commencement of this Act applies in respect of the land after that commencement and may be transferred, while the agreement subsists, in whole or in part as though the land were an irrigated property within the authority's district.

        (4)         The agreement subsists for the benefit of successive occupiers of the land until it is terminated by an occupier or by subclause (5) or under subclause (6).

        (5)         The agreement is terminated if the owner of the land has transferred the water allocation applying in respect of the land to the authority or to an irrigated property or properties within the district.

        (6)         The authority may terminate an agreement—

            (a)         by serving on the owner and occupier of the land not less than five years notice of termination; or

            (b)         in circumstances that would have enabled the authority to exclude the land under section 47(1)(c), (d) or (e) if it had been an irrigated property.

6—Exclusion of land from Cobdogla irrigation district

Section 48 applies to and in relation to the Cobdogla irrigation district with the following variations:

            (a)         strike out subsections (1), (2) and (3) and substitute the following subsections:

        (1)         If the Minister proposes to replace part of the Cobdogla irrigation or drainage system in order to improve the efficiency with which irrigation water is supplied to or drained from land in the district, the Minister may exclude an irrigated property from the district if, in his or her opinion, expenditure of the amount required to replace the part of the system that supplies water to, or drains water from, that property cannot be justified when the area to be irrigated or drained by that part of the system is taken into account.

        (2)         The estimated cost of the proposal must be one million dollars or more and the proposal must be made after this Act comes into operation or have been made within three years before it came into operation.;

            (b)         strike out subsection (7);

            (c)         strike out the definition of the standard replacement cost in subsection (8) and substitute the following definition:

the standard replacement cost in respect of an irrigated property means an amount determined in accordance with the following formula:



A is the standard replacement cost

B is the estimated capital value of the pipes (or channels and pipes if the system has not been fully converted to pipes) of the irrigation or drainage system provided by the Minister after replacement of the relevant part of the system

H 1 is the number of hectares that will be irrigated or drained by the irrigation or drainage system after replacement of the relevant part of the system

H 2 is the number of hectares of the property concerned that were subject to irrigation at the time of service of the notice (or the last of the notices if more than one) under section 47(2).

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