This legislation has been repealed.
104—Liability for levy
(1) For the purposes
of this section—
(a) a
Category A levy is a levy within the ambit of section 101(5)(a)(i)(A)
, (ii)(A) or (iii)(A); and
(b) a
Category B levy is a levy within the ambit of section 101(5)(a)(i)(B)
, (ii)(B) or (iii)(B) .
(2) Subject to this
section, a person who holds a water management authorisation at any time
during a financial year in respect of which a levy has been declared is liable
to pay to the Minister the full amount of the levy whether he or she holds the
water management authorisation throughout the year or not.
(3) Subject to subsection (6)
, a person who takes water pursuant to an authorisation under section 128
at any time during a financial year in respect of which a levy with respect to
the taking of water has been declared is liable to pay to the Minister the
amount of the levy that applies in relation to the authorisation.
(4) If a levy applies
in relation to water that is intended to be used, or is used, for irrigating
land or in the course of carrying on a business on land, the following persons
are jointly and severally liable to the Minister for payment of the levy in
addition to the person primarily liable under subsection (2)
or (3) :
(a) in
the case of a Category A levy—the owner of the land (if the owner is not
the person primarily liable under subsection (2)
if the levy was declared during the financial year to
which the levy relates—at the time the levy was declared;
if a relevant water management authorisation was not in
existence in relation to that land at the commencement of the financial year
to which the levy relates but was granted after the commencement of that
year—at the time when the water management authorisation was granted;
if the levy is payable with respect to or on account of
an increase in a water allocation—at the time of the increase;
in any other case—at the commencement of the
financial year to which the levy relates; and
(b) in
the case of a Category B levy—the owner of the land (if the owner is not
the person primarily liable under subsection (2)
) when the relevant water was taken (including under another water management
authorisation); and
(c) in
the case of a levy with respect to an authorisation under section 128
—the owner of the land (if the owner is not the person primarily liable
under subsection (3)
) when the water was taken; and
(d) all
persons who own or occupy the land at any time—
after the person primarily liable under subsection (2)
or (3) or the person liable under paragraph (a)
, (b) or (c) ;
before the levy is paid.
(5) A person who makes
a payment to the Minister in respect of his or her liability under subsection (4)
may recover the amount of the payment from the person primarily liable under subsection (2)
or (3) .
(6) If 2 or more
persons are liable under subsection (2)
or (3) with respect to water taken (including under another
water management authorisation) during different parts of an accounting period
and the water is used to irrigate the same land or is used in the course of
carrying on business on the same land, the following provisions apply:
(a) the
last of those persons to have access to the water during the accounting period
will be liable under subsection (2)
or (3) to the Minister for the amount of the levy with respect to water taken
during the whole of that period; and
(b) that
person is entitled to contribution from the other person or persons with
respect to water taken during another part or parts of the accounting period,
calculated on the basis of respective amounts of water taken.
(7) A person is liable
under this section for a levy with respect to a water management authorisation
whether the water management authorisation was granted before or after the
commencement of the Natural
Resources Management (Water Resources and Other Matters) Amendment
Act 2007 .
(8) A levy is payable
even though taking water under the terms of a water management authorisation
(including another relevant water management authorisation) has been
prohibited or restricted under this Act or under a relevant
water management authorisation.
(10) A person who
holds an imported water permit at any time during a financial year in respect
of which a levy has been declared is liable to pay to the Minister the full
amount of that levy whether he or she holds the permit throughout the year or
(10a) A person who
holds a forest water licence at any time during a financial year in respect of
which a levy has been declared is liable to pay to the Minister the full
amount of the levy whether he or she holds the licence throughout the year or
(11) A levy becomes
payable on the date for payment stated in the notice under section 105
(12) A levy or
instalments of a levy are payable pursuant to a notice served under section 105
despite the fact that the person liable disputes the amount of the levy, but
any overpayment must be refunded by the Minister when the correct amount is
finally determined.