This legislation has been repealed.
178—Sale of contaminated items
(1) Subject to this
Act, a person must not sell any animal, plant, soil, vehicle, farming
implement or other produce, goods or materials that contain or are carrying a
plant of a class to which this subsection applies without first giving notice
of the presence of the particular plant to the purchaser in the manner set out
in the regulations.
Maximum penalty:
(a) if
the offence relates to a Category 1 plant—$50 000 or imprisonment
for 1 year;
(b) if
the offence relates to a Category 2 plant—$20 000 or imprisonment
for 6 months;
(c) if
the offence relates to a Category 3 plant—$10 000.
Expiation fee: $500.
(2) Subsection (1)
does not limit or affect the operation of section 177
(3) The Minister may,
by notice in the Gazette, specify a form that must be used for the purpose of
giving notice under subsection (1)
(4) The Minister may,
by subsequent notice in the Gazette, vary or revoke a notice under subsection (3)