This legislation has been repealed.
61—Appointment of body to act as group
(1) The Governor may,
by regulations made on the recommendation of the Minister, appoint a body
specified in the regulations to be an NRM group under this Act.
(2) The regulation
identify the area in relation to which the body is appointed; and
(b) set
out the functions of the body (if any) that are in addition to the functions
prescribed by this Act.
(3) The Governor may,
by subsequent regulation made on the recommendation of the Minister, vary or
revoke a regulation under this section.
(4) A regulation
revoking a regulation may provide that the assets, rights and liabilities of
the body that relate to its functions under this Act will vest in or attach
(a) the
Crown; or
(b) a
Minister; or
(c) with
the agreement of the council or council subsidiary, a council or
council subsidiary; or
(d) any
other agency or instrumentality of the Crown; or
(e) any
other person or body.
(5) Division 4 , Division 5 , Division 6 and
Division 7, and the other provisions of this Division, and any other
provisions of this Act prescribed by the regulations, apply to and in relation
to a body appointed under this section as if it were an NRM group, subject to
such exclusions or modifications as may be prescribed by the regulations.
(6) A body appointed
under this section is subject to direction by any relevant regional NRM board
in performing its functions and exercising its powers under this Act.
(7) If a body
appointed under this section has been established by or under another Act and
there is a conflict between a function of a body under that Act and a function
of the body when acting as an NRM group under this Act, the body must perform
its function under its originating Act in preference to its function under
this Act.
(8) The Minister
should consult with the relevant regional NRM board or boards before making a
recommendation to the Governor under subsection (1)