This legislation has been repealed.
TABLE OF PROVISIONS Long Title PART 1--Preliminary 1. Short title 3. Objects 4. Interpretation 5. Declaration of substance to be a drug 6. Railways to which this Act does not apply 7. Ministerial exemptions 8. Concept of ensuring safety 9. Rail safety work 10. Crown to be bound PART 2--Occupational health and safety legislation 11. Act adds to protection provided by OHS legislation 12OHS legislation prevails 13. Compliance with this Act is no defence to prosecution under OHS legislation. 14. Relationship between duties under this Act and OHS legislation 15. No double jeopardy PART 3--Administration Division 1--Rail Safety Regulator 16. Rail Safety Regulator 17. Functions 18. Annual report 19. Delegation 20. Ministerial control 21. Regulator may exercise functions of authorised officers Division 2--Authorised officers 22. Appointment 23. Reciprocal powers 24. Identification cards 25. Possession of identification card 26. Display and production of identification card 27. Return of identification cards PART 4--Rail safety Division 1--General safety duties 28. Safety duties of rail transport operators 29. Duties of rail transport operators extend to contractors 30. Duties of designers, manufacturers, suppliers etc Division 2--Accreditation 31. Purpose of accreditation 32. Accreditation required for railway operations 33. Purpose for which accreditation may be granted 34. Application for accreditation 35. What applicant for accreditation must demonstrate 36. Regulator may direct applicants to coordinate and cooperate in applications 37. Coordination between Regulators 38. Determination of application 39. Conditions and restrictions 40. Penalty for breach of condition or restriction 41. Annual fees 42. Late payment 43. Waiver of fees 44. Surrender of accreditation 45. Revocation or suspension of accreditation 46. Immediate suspension of accreditation 47. Keeping and making available documents for public inspection 48. Application for variation of accreditation 49. Where application relates to co-operative railway operations or operations in another jurisdiction 50. Determination of application for variation 51. Prescribed conditions and restrictions 52. Regulator may direct amendment of a safety management system 53. Variation of conditions and restrictions 54. Regulator may make changes to conditions or restrictions 55. Accreditation cannot be transferred or assigned 56. Sale or transfer of railway operations by accredited person Division 3--Private sidings 57. Exemption from accreditation Division 4--Safety management 58. Safety management system 59. Compliance with safety management system 60. Review of safety management system 61. Safety performance reports 62. Interface coordination--rail transport operators 62A. Interface coordination--rail infrastructure and roads other than private roads 62B. Interface coordination--rail infrastructure and private roads 62C. Identification and assessment of risks 62D. Scope of interface agreements 62E. Appointed person may give directions 62F. Register of interface agreements 63. Security management plan 64. Emergency management plan 65. Health and fitness management program 66. Alcohol and drug management program 67. Testing for presence of alcohol or drugs 68. Fatigue management program 69. Assessment of competence 70. Identification for rail safety workers 71. Duties of rail safety workers 72. Contractors to comply with safety management system Division 5--Information about rail safety etc 73. Rail transport operators to provide information Division 6--Investigating and reporting by rail transport operators 74. Notification of certain occurrences 75. Investigation of notifiable occurrences Division 7--Audit of railway operations by Regulator 76. Audit of railway operations by Regulator PART 5--Enforcement Division 1--Entry to places by authorised officers 77. Power to enter places 78. Limitation on entry powers--places used for residential purposes 79. Notice of entry Division 2--General enforcement powers 80. General powers 81. Use of assistants and equipment 82. Use of electronic equipment 83. Use of equipment to examine or process things 84. Securing a site Division 3--Offence provision and search warrants 85. Offence provision 86. Search warrant Division 4--Powers to support seizure 87. Directions relating to seizure 88. Authorised officer may direct a thing's return 89. Receipt for seized things 90. Access to seized thing 91. Embargo notices Division 5--Forfeiture 92. Return of seized things 93. Forfeiture 94. Forfeiture on conviction 95. Dealing with forfeited sample or thing Division 6--Directions 96. Authorised officers may direct certain persons to give assistance 97. Power to direct name and address be given 98. Failure to give name or address 99. Power to direct production of documents 100. Failure to produce document Division 7--Improvement notices 101. Improvement notices 102. Contravention of improvement notice 103. Withdrawal or amendment of improvement notices 104. Proceedings for offences not affected by improvement notices 105. Regulator to arrange for rail safety work required by improvement notice to be carried out Division 8--Prohibition notices 106. Prohibition notice 107. Contravention of prohibition notice 108. Oral direction before prohibition notice served 109. Withdrawal or amendment of prohibition notice 110. Proceedings for offences not affected by prohibition notices Division 9--Miscellaneous 111. Directions may be given under more than one provision 112. Temporary closing of railway crossings, bridges etc 113. Restoring rail infrastructure and rolling stock etc to original condition after action taken 114. Use of force 115. Power to use force against persons to be exercised only by police officers 116. Protection from incrimination PART 6--Review of decisions 117. Interpretation 118. Reviewable decisions 119. Review by Regulator 120. Application to District Court PART 7--Inquiries 121. Appointment of investigator 122. Procedures and powers of an investigator 123. Report 124. Related matters PART 8--General liability and evidentiary provisions Division 1--General 125. Period within which proceedings for offences may be commenced 126. Authority to take proceedings 127. Vicarious responsibility 128. Records and evidence from records 129. Certificate evidence 130. Proof of appointments and signatures unnecessary 131. Multiple offences 132. Offences by bodies corporate and employees Division 2--Discrimination against employees 133. Dismissal or other victimisation of employee Division 3--False or misleading information 134. False or misleading information provided to Regulator or officials Division 4--Other offences 135. Offence to impersonate authorised officer 136. Not to interfere with train, tram etc 137. Applying brake or emergency device 138. Stopping a train or tram Division 5--Court-based sanctions 139. Daily penalty for continuing offences 140. Commercial benefits order 141. Supervisory intervention order 142. Exclusion orders PART 9--Miscellaneous Division 1--Management of rail corridors, crossings and public works 143. Installation of control devices 144. Power to require works to stop Division 2--Confidentiality 145. Confidentiality Division 3--Civil liability PART 4 Division 1 or 4 147. Exclusion from liability 148. Immunity for reporting unfit rail safety worker Division 4--Compliance codes and guidelines 149. Compliance codes and guidelines Division 5--Other matters 150. Recovery of certain costs 151. Recovery of amounts due 152. Compliance with conditions of accreditation 153. Prescribed persons 154. Powers of authorised persons 155. Contracting out prohibited 156. Enforceable voluntary undertaking 157. Classification of offences 158. Regulations Schedule 1--Regulations Schedule 2--Provisions relating to alcohol and other drug testing PART 1--Preliminary 1. Preliminary 1A. Approval of couriers 2. Authorised persons 3. Urine testing PART 2--Testing 4. Authorised person may require alcotest or breath analysis 5. Authorised person may require drug screening test, oral fluid analysis, blood test and urine test 6. Concentration of alcohol in breath taken to indicate concentration of alcohol in blood 7. Breath analysis where drinking occurs after rail safety work is carried out 8. Oral fluid analysis or blood test where consumption of alcohol or drug occurs after rail safety work is carried out 9. Compulsory blood testing following a notifiable occurrence 10. Processes relating to blood samples 11. Processes relating to oral fluid samples 12. Processes relating to urine samples 13. Authorised person to be present when sample taken 14. Cost of blood tests and urine tests under certain clauses PART 3--Evidence 15. Evidence PART 4--Miscellaneous 16. Blood samples may be taken by nurses outside Metropolitan Adelaide 17. Protection of medical practitioners etc from liability 18. Approval of apparatus for the purposes of breath analysis etc 19. Oral fluid, blood sample or urine sample or results of analysis etc not to be used for other purposes 20. Regulations Schedule 3--Transitional provisions PART 4--Transitional provisions 5. Interpretation 6. Existing accreditations 7. Private sidings 8. Other provisions Legislative history The Parliament of South Australia enacts as follows: