This legislation has been repealed.
31—Termination of residents' rights
(1) A resident of a
residence in a retirement village has a right of occupation that cannot be
terminated unless—
(a) the
resident dies; or
(b) the
resident terminates the residence contract or ceases to reside in the
retirement village in circumstances in which there is no reasonable prospect
of the resident returning to reside in the retirement village; or
(c) the
resident commits a breach of the residence contract or the residence rules and
the administering authority terminates the resident's right of occupation on
that ground; or
(d) the
residence becomes an unsuitable place of residence for the resident because of
the resident's mental or physical incapacity and the administering authority
terminates the resident's right of occupation on that ground; or
(e) the
holder of a mortgage or charge that was in existence at the commencement of
this Act becomes entitled to vacant possession of the residence in pursuance
of rights conferred by the mortgage or charge.
(2) Subject to subsection (3)
, the rights of termination under subsection (1)(a)
, (b), (c) or (d) are subject
(a) any
limitations or qualifications arising from the residence contract;
(b) any
rights of the resident deriving from the resident's ownership of an interest
in the residence.
(3) A contract cannot
limit or qualify the right of a resident to terminate a residence contract
during his or her settling-in period.
(4) If a resident
terminates a right of occupation during his or her settling-in period (even if
he or she then continues to reside in the retirement village after the end of
that period), the resident is liable to pay—
(a) fair
market rent in respect of his or her period of occupation of a residence, less
any amount paid by the resident for services that would otherwise be included
in the assessment of fair market rent; and
other amounts (if any) payable under the residence contract.
(5) An amount payable
by a resident under subsection (4)
may be deducted from any refund of premium due to the resident.
(6) No provision in a
contract between the administering authority and the resident can have the
effect of making the resident liable to pay an amount by way of a penalty if
he or she terminates a right of occupation during his or her
settling-in period (and any such provision is void to the extent that it would
have such an effect).
(7) The
administering authority's decision to terminate a resident's right of
occupation on the ground of a breach of the residence contract or the
residence rules is ineffective unless the Tribunal is satisfied, on the
application of the administering authority, that the breach is sufficiently
serious to justify termination of the right of occupation and confirms the
administering authority's decision.
(8) The
administering authority's decision to terminate a resident's right of
occupation on the ground of a mental or physical incapacity is ineffective
unless the Tribunal is satisfied, on the application of the administering
authority, that proper grounds for the termination exist and confirms the
(9) Where the Tribunal
confirms the administering authority's decision to terminate a right of
occupation, it must fix a period within which the resident must vacate the
(10) The Tribunal may
make an order for the ejectment of a resident who has not vacated a residence
at the expiration of the period referred to above.
(11) An order under subsection (10)
may be enforced by a bailiff in the same manner as an order for the possession
of premises under the Residential
Tenancies Act 1995 (and, for that purpose a bailiff may, in particular,
exercise the powers of a bailiff under section 99 of that Act).
(12) If the
administering authority decides to terminate a resident's right of occupation
it must give the resident, personally or by post, a notice—
setting out the grounds of the administering authority's decision; and
informing the resident that the decision is subject to review by the Tribunal;
informing the resident of his or her rights with regard to such a review.
Maximum penalty: $10 000.