This legislation has been repealed.
17—Reinstatement of streets
(1) When the
Corporation opens or breaks up the road or pavement of any street or bridge,
or any sewer, drain, or tunnel, the Corporation shall, with all convenient
speed, complete the work for which the same shall be broken up and fill in the
ground, and reinstate and make good the road or pavement, or the sewer, drain,
or tunnel so opened or broken up, and carry away the rubbish occasioned
(2) The Corporation
shall at all times whilst any such road or pavement is so open or broken up
cause the same to be guarded, and shall cause a light sufficient for the
warning of passengers to be set up and kept there for every night during which
such road or pavement continues open or broken up.
(3) The Corporation
shall, after replacing and making good the road or pavement which is broken up
as aforesaid, keep the same in good repair for six months thereafter.