This legislation has been repealed.
(1) Save in the cases
provided for by section 34
of this Act, where the Corporation receives from the owner or occupier of land
a written request for the supply of water in respect of the land the
where the land is adjacent land, shall upon payment of the fee fixed by or
under this Act provide and lay down a direct service for the supply of water
in respect of the land; and
(b) in
any other case, may upon payment of the fee fixed by or under this Act,
provide a supply of water to a point determined by the Corporation, from which
the land may receive a supply of water.
(1a) The
(a) may,
upon payment of the fee fixed by or under this Act, provide and lay down
additional services to land where the Corporation has been requested to do so
by the owner or occupier of the land; or
(b) may,
without being requested to do so by the owner or occupier of land, provide and
lay down additional services to the land so that the number of services to
that land will comply with the prescribed ratio.
(1b) The Corporation's
costs in providing and laying down a service pursuant to subsection (1a)(b)
shall be paid by the owner or occupier of the land concerned.
(1c) The Minister may,
after consultation with the Corporation, by notice in the Gazette, fix an
annual charge payable by the owner or occupier of land in respect of
additional services provided to land and may, by subsequent notice in the
Gazette, vary or revoke a notice published under this subsection.
(2) Where pursuant to subsection (1)
of this section the Corporation has provided a supply of water, in respect of
any land, to a point determined by the Corporation, the owner or occupier of
the land shall where necessary at his own cost and expense lay a pipe to the
satisfaction of the Corporation from that point to the land in respect of
which the supply is so provided.