This legislation has been repealed.
47—Powers of entry and inspection
(1) A person
authorised by the Corporation may, at all reasonable times, enter upon any
land, to which water is supplied by the Corporation under agreement or
otherwise and into any building or structure upon the land, for the purpose of
examining and ascertaining, and may examine and ascertain, whether there has
been or is any waste, misuse, fouling, or contamination of such water, and
what quantity of water has been consumed there, and whether all baths,
waterclosets, soilpans, receptacles, fittings, appliances and apparatus, and
the materials and mode of arrangement thereof, used or intended to be used on
the land or in the building or structure for the purpose of conveying,
delivering, or receiving water supplied, or about to be supplied, by the
Corporation are in every respect in accordance with this Act, and are in
proper order and repair, and that they are used only for the purposes for
which they may be lawfully used under this Act.
(2) If on such
examination, any bath, watercloset, soilpan, receptacle, fitting, appliance or
apparatus is found to be out of proper order or repair, or the mode of
arrangement thereof is not in accordance with this Act, the Corporation may,
without prejudice to any other power or remedy which the Corporation may have
under this Act, give notice to the occupier or owner of such land, building or
structure to repair or alter the same.
(3) If any such
occupier or owner fails or neglects to comply with such notice, or if a person
authorised by the Corporation is at any reasonable time refused admission upon
land or into a building or structure on the land, when such admission is
claimed for any of the purposes mentioned in this section, or is obstructed in
or hindered from doing all or any of the acts by this section authorised to be
done, the Corporation may, with the approval of the Minister, cut off the
water from such land, and shall not be bound to supply water thereto again
except at such times and upon such conditions (including payment of the
expenses of cutting off and restoring such water) as the Corporation thinks
proper to prescribe, but the owner or occupier of such land shall,
nevertheless, continue liable to pay water rates as theretofore.