This legislation has been repealed.
86B—Sharing water use charges in certain circumstances
water supplied to land is used by two or more persons; and
(b) the
levies water rates separately against each of those
persons; and
has measured the volume of water supplied but not the
proportions in which it has been used by each of those persons,
those persons are liable for payment of water use charges in respect of that
water in the following shares:
(c) if a
notice under subsection (2)(a)
is in operation—the shares specified in the notice; or
(d) if
such a notice is not in operation—equal shares.
(2) The persons
referred to in subsection (1)
advise the Corporation by written notice that they have agreed to share water
use charges in the manner specified in the notice;
revoke a notice referred to in paragraph (a)
by written notice given to the Corporation.
(3) A notice under subsection (2)
(a) must
be in a form approved by the Corporation;
operates from the next determination by the Corporation of water rates payable
in respect of the relevant land.
(4) This section does
not apply to land divided by a strata plan under the Community
Titles Act 1996 or the Strata
Titles Act 1988 .
(6) Where—
(a) subsection (1)
would, but for this subsection, apply in relation to land; and
(b) a
notice under subsection (2)(a)
does not operate in relation to the land in respect of the 1995/1996 financial
subsection (1)
does not apply in relation to the land in respect of that financial year.