Tasmanian Bills Fact Sheets

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                                    FACT SHEET

                Corrections Amendment (Parole Board) Bill 2015

The Corrections Amendment (Parole Board) Bill 2015 (the Bill) makes amendments to the
Corrections Act 1997 by changing the membership of the Parole Board so that it
includes a person who has experience and knowledge of victim of crime matters as well
as experience in matters associated with sociology, criminology, penology or medicine.

The Bill fulfils the government’s election commitment outlined in the First 100 Days
Implementation Plan to provide for a victim of crime representative on the Parole Board.

The amendments will not result in an increase in the size of the Parole Board but will
change the composition of the Parole Board. The Bill will give the ‘victim of crime’
representative a role along with the other members to determine whether a prisoner is
suitable for parole.

The Bill also provides for the Deputy Chairperson of the Parole Board to sit in meetings
of the Parole Board in the absence of any other member. Currently the Deputy
Chairperson may only sit in meetings in the absence of the Chairperson. This provision
will make it easier for the Parole Board to achieve a quorum when it sits.

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