Tasmanian Bills Fact Sheets

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                                       FACT SHEET

                 Launceston Flood Risk Management Bill 2014

In 2008, the Crown and the Launceston City Council signed the Launceston Flood Risk
Management Deed. The Deed incorporated an integrated set of measures to provide long-
term management of flood risks in the Launceston area, including establishment of the
Launceston Flood Authority.

Most of the measures included in the Deed have been or are in the process of being
completed. The Launceston Flood Authority was established by the Launceston City Council
in late 2008, and has been carrying out its functions in relation to flood management since
that time.

The Deed also required the Crown to use its best endeavours to present legislation to the
Parliament to facilitate flood protection, including providing immunity from legal action for the
Authority and the Council while undertaking flood risk mitigation activities or emergency
management activities.

The Launceston Flood Risk Management Bill 2014 satisfies that obligation.

The Bill will:

        Specify the scope, powers and functions of the Launceston Flood Authority;

        Provide standing to the Authority in relation to relevant planning matters;

        Enable the Launceston City Council to use levee-related public land for community or
        recreational purposes;

        Clarify emergency management responsibilities;

        Create a range of offences to protect the flood protection infrastructure and support
        the effective management of floods in Launceston; and

        Provide appropriate immunities to the Council, Authority and Crown in relation to
        flood-related matters.




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