(1) In any proceedings, a certificate purporting to be signed by the Surveyor-General relating to one or more of the following matters is evidence of those matters:(a) that, at a time or during a period specified in the certificate, land described in the certificate was or was not Crown land within the meaning of the Crown Lands Act 1976 ;(b) that, at a time or during a period specified in the certificate, land described in the certificate was or was not permanent timber production zone land within the meaning of the Forest Management Act 2013 ;(c) that, at a time or during a period specified in the certificate, the Crown land described in the certificate was or was not dedicated or reserved for a particular purpose under any Act;(d) that, at a time or during a period specified in the certificate, the Crown land described in the certificate was subject to a contract or a permit, lease, licence or other occupational right under the Crown Lands Act 1976 .(2) For the purpose of subsection (1) , land may be described by means of a description or a plan, or both.
Note: This section does not appear in the Evidence Act 1995 of the Commonwealth.