(1) This section applies if a party is cross-examining or has cross-examined a witness about (a) a prior inconsistent statement alleged to have been made by the witness that is recorded in a document; or(b) a previous representation alleged to have been made by another person that is recorded in a document.(2) If the court so orders or if another party so requires, the party must produce to the court or to that other party.(a) the document; or(b) such evidence of the contents of the document as is available to the party (3) The court may (a) examine a document or evidence that has been produced under subsection (2) ; and(b) give directions as to its use; and(c) admit it even if it has not been tendered by a party.(4) Subsection (3) does not permit the court to admit a document or evidence that is not admissible because of Chapter 3 .(5) The mere production of a document to a witness being cross-examined does not give rise to a requirement that the cross-examiner tender the document.