SCHEDULE 3 - Oath or affirmation for jurors Section 38
PART 1 - Oath in criminal trial
You and each of you swear by Almighty God that
you will faithfully and impartially try the issues between the Crown and
of accused] in this
trial and give a true verdict according to the evidence.
PART 2 - Affirmation in criminal trial
You and each of you affirm that you
will faithfully and impartially try the issues between the Crown and
[name of
accused] in this
trial and give a true verdict according to the evidence.
PART 3 - Oath in civil trial
You and each of you swear by Almighty God that
you will faithfully and impartially try the issues and assess the damages in
trial or inquiry and give a true verdict according to the evidence.
PART 4 - Affirmation in civil trial
You and each of you affirm that you will
faithfully and impartially try the issues and assess the damages in this
or inquiry and give a true verdict according to the evidence.