(1) Rules of Court may be made under section 197 for the purpose of regulating and prescribing the procedure and practice of the Court in any case in which the procedure or practice is regulated by any enactment in force at the commencement of this Act (including such part or parts of the statutes set out in Schedule I as is or are stated in the third column of that schedule to be repealed).(2) Section 197 shall (a) extend and apply to all proceedings by and against the Government of this State; and(b) authorize the making in pursuance of that section of Rules of Court under and for the purpose of any statute passed after the commencement of this Act which, expressly or by implication, directs or authorizes the making of Rules of Court, and also under or for the purposes of any statute passed before the commencement of this Act which, so far as the same is unrepealed, expressly or by implication directs or authorizes the making of any orders, rules, or regulations for any purpose for which Rules of Court can be made under section 197 , or for any similar purpose.