(1) The taxa of native flora and fauna which are endangered are specified in Schedule 3 , extant taxa being listed in Part 1 and taxa presumed to be extinct being listed in Part 2 .(2) The taxa of native flora and fauna which are vulnerable are specified in Schedule 4 .(3) The taxa of native flora and fauna which are rare are specified in Schedule 5 .(4) SAC may recommend to the Minister that an eligible taxon of native flora or fauna be added to Schedule 3 , 4 or 5 or that any taxon of native flora or fauna which is no longer eligible be omitted from Schedule 3 , 4 or 5 .(5) After considering a recommendation of SAC and after giving notice in accordance with section 14 , the Minister may, by order published in the Gazette , add an item to, amend an item in, or omit an item from, Schedule 3 , 4 or 5 .(6) SAC must, at least once in each period of 5 years, review each taxon listed in Schedules 3 , 4 and 5 and recommend to the Minister any variation of those Schedules considered appropriate.