(1) An extant taxon of native flora or fauna may be listed as endangered if it is in danger of extinction because long term survival is unlikely while the factors causing it to be endangered continue operating.(2) A taxon of native flora or fauna may be listed as endangered because it is presumed to be extinct on the ground that no occurrence of the taxon in the wild can be confirmed during the past 50 years.(3) A taxon of native flora or fauna may be listed as vulnerable if it is likely to become an endangered taxon while the factors causing it to be vulnerable continue operating.(4) A taxon of native flora or fauna may be listed as rare if it has a small population in Tasmania that is not endangered or vulnerable but is at risk.(5) A taxon of native flora or fauna which is below the level of sub-species and which is narrowly defined owing to its taxonomic position, environmental conditions or geography may be listed only if, in addition to the requirements of this section, there is a special need to conserve it in Tasmania.(6) SAC is responsible for preparing guidelines as to how the criteria specified in subsections (1) to (5) , both inclusive, are to be applied to particular taxonomic groups and must, from time to time, publish those guidelines in the Gazette .(7) In determining the criteria for listing, SAC must have regard only to matters of nature conservation and not to social and economic matters.