If a claimant appears in pursuance of an application, the Court or a judge may (a) order that the claimant be made a defendant to any action already commenced in respect of the matter in dispute in place of, or in addition to, the applicant; or(b) order that an issue between claimants be stated and tried, directing which of the claimants is to be plaintiff and which is to be defendant; or(c) with the consent of all claimants or on the request of any claimant if, having regard to the value of the matter in dispute, it is desirable so to do, dispose of the merits of their claims and decide them in a summary manner; or(d) if the question is a question of law and the facts are not in dispute (i) determine the question without directing the trial of an issue; or(ii) order that a special case be stated for the opinion of the Court.