(1) The taxing officer may allow a party who is entitled to sign judgment for costs a fixed sum for the costs of the judgment.(2) Subject to any order and except as to any amendment which was rendered necessary by the default of the opposite party, a party who amends a pleading without leave of the Court or a judge is to pay the costs of, and caused by, the amendment and the taxing officer may (a) determine the amount of those costs; and(b) direct payment; and(c) give directions under rule 857 .(3) If a proceeding does not proceed to trial or hearing, any prematurely incurred costs of instructions for brief or of, and consequent on, the preparation and delivery of briefs are not to be allowed.(4) The allowances for instructions for, and drawing of, an affidavit and for attending the deponent to be sworn, include all attendances on the deponent to settle and read over the affidavit.(5) In taxing the costs of joint executors or trustees who defend separately, the taxing officer is to allow one set of costs only that is to be apportioned among them as the taxing officer considers appropriate.(6) Costs reasonably incurred in connection with negotiations for the settlement of a proceeding may be allowed whether those negotiations were successful or not.(7) If a notice to admit or produce comprises facts or documents that are not necessary for the conduct of the proceeding, the costs occasioned by the notice are to be borne by the party giving the notice.(8) The costs of any affidavit that unnecessarily sets out matters of hearsay, argumentative matter or copies of, or extracts from, documents are to be paid by the party filing the affidavit.(9) Unless the Court or a judge otherwise directs, a party is not allowed any costs of an appearance on any application or proceeding in Court or chambers in which that party is not interested, or on which, according to the practice of the Court, that party ought not to attend.(10) The costs of counsel attending in the registry are not allowed, unless a judge certifies it to be a proper case for counsel to attend.(11) Any properly charged counsel's fees are to be allowed on taxation whether or not they have been paid at the time of the taxation.