(1) The Director of Public Health may, in writing, authorise the exhumation of any human remains from any place of interment, including private land, on any conditions specified in the authorisation.(2) Before an exhumation is commenced, the Director of Public Health may (a) impose conditions on the exhumation; and(b) specify that a person is to supervise, on that Director's behalf, the exhumation, re-interment or cremation of the human remains.(3) A person must not exhume any human remains unless the person (a) is authorised to exhume the human remains under subsection (1) ; and(b) complies with the conditions imposed in the authorisation under subsection (1) ; and(c) complies with the conditions imposed, or specifications made, in respect of the exhumation under subsection (2) .Penalty: Fine not exceeding 100 penalty units or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years, or both.(4) This section does not disturb the effect of section 39 of the Coroners Act 1995 .