(1) Subject to subsection (2) , a cooling-off period applies to all mediation agreements.(2) The cooling-off period that applies to a mediation agreement expires (a) if a cooling-off period statement was included in the draft mediation agreement at 5 p.m. on the 10th business day after the day on which the mediation agreement was entered into; or(b) if a cooling-off period statement was not included in the draft mediation agreement at 5 p.m. on the 10th business day after the day on which a cooling-off period statement is given to a farmer by a Creditor.(3) The Commissioner is not to issue an exemption certificate to a Creditor on the ground that satisfactory mediation in respect of a farm debt has taken place if (a) a mediation agreement is in force in relation to the farm debt; and(b) the cooling-off period has not expired.