(1) The Forest Manager may erect signs for the purposes of discharging its responsibilities or in the interests of safety.(a) on or in respect of forest roads; or(b) on permanent timber production zone land (2) The Forest Manager, wherever practicable, is to erect signs stating that a particular road is a forest road.(3) A person must not, without lawful excuse, undertake an activity or engage in conduct on a forest road or other land in permanent timber production zone land contrary to the directions of the Forest Manager expressed on a sign authorised by the Forest Manager.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 20 penalty units.(4) In any proceedings under subsection (3) , a certificate purporting to be signed by a person authorised, in writing, by the Forest Manager stating that at a particular time a sign was authorised by the Forest Manager for the purposes of this section is admissible as evidence that, at that time, the sign was so authorised.(5) A police officer who reasonably considers that a person is offending against subsection (3) may direct that person to leave the forest road or other land in permanent timber production zone land.(6) A person who is given a direction by a police officer under subsection (5) must comply with that direction.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 20 penalty units.(7) A police officer may arrest, without warrant, any person who fails to comply with a direction under subsection (5) .