Section 68 of the Principal Act is repealed and the following sections are substituted:68. Cigarette packaging
(1) A person must not supply cigarettes to the public otherwise than in a package.Penalty: Fine not exceeding (a) for a first offence, 50 penalty units; and(b) for a subsequent offence, 200 penalty units.(2) A person must not supply cigarettes to the public in a package that (a) contains fewer than 20 cigarettes; or(b) is designed to be, or is readily able to be, divided into packets any of which contains fewer than 20 cigarettes.Penalty: Fine not exceeding (a) for a first offence, 50 penalty units; and(b) for a subsequent offence, 200 penalty units.68A. Restrictions regarding toys and confections, &c.
A person must not sell or supply any of the following things to another person:(a) a toy that resembles, or is intended to represent, tobacco or a tobacco product;(b) a confection that resembles, or is intended to represent, tobacco or a tobacco product;(c) tobacco that is (i) confectionary-flavoured or confectionary-scented; or(ii) fruit-flavoured or fruit-scented;(d) a tobacco product that is (i) confectionary-flavoured or confectionary-scented; or(ii) fruit-flavoured or fruit-scented;(e) cigarette papers that are (i) confectionary-flavoured or confectionary-scented; or(ii) fruit-flavoured or fruit-scented.Penalty: Fine not exceeding (a) for a first offence, 50 penalty units; and(b) for a subsequent offence, 200 penalty units.