(1) The Governor may make regulations for the purposes of this Act.(2) Without limiting the generality of subsection (1) , the regulations may be made in relation to one or more of the following:(a) fees and charges payable in respect of any matter under this Act;(b) the costs of proceedings under this Act and the recovery of those costs;(c) matters that may be specified, or included, in the guidelines;(d) matters that are specified in this Act as being matters to be contained in the guidelines;(e) the process of reviewing and appealing a decision of the Panel or Registrar.(3) The regulations may be made so as to apply differently according to matters, limitations or restrictions, whether as to time, circumstance or otherwise, specified in the regulations.(4) The regulations may (a) provide that a contravention of any of the regulations is an offence; and(b) in respect of such an offence, provide for the imposition of a fine not exceeding 20 penalty units and, in the case of a continuing offence, a further fine not exceeding 5 penalty units for each day during which the offence continues.(5) The regulations may authorise any matter to be from time to time approved, determined, applied or regulated by the Surveyor-General, chairperson or Panel.