In this Act approved name , in relation to a place, means a name that (a) is recorded in the register as the approved name for the place; and(b) has not been revoked under this Act;chairperson means the chairperson of the Panel in accordance with section 6(3) ;guidelines means the guidelines published under section 5(3) ;Panel means the Place Names Advisory Panel established by section 6(1) ;place see section 4 ;private road means a road over land that is owned by a person who may lawfully exclude other persons from using the road;proposal means a proposal submitted under section 9 in respect of a name or place;register means the register of place names kept under section 8 ;Registrar means the Registrar of Place Names appointed under section 7 ;Surveyor-General means the Surveyor-General appointed under section 3A(1) of the Survey Co-ordination Act 1944 .